Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.

Andy Rooney

Recently, a high growth client of mine spent innumerable hours revamping his team and processes based on the consequences of the virus. We worked closely with every manager to find ways to cut costs and still protect their valued employees. Tough work, but well worth the time. They came out of the crisis stronger, ready to gain market share and dive back into the daily excitement of running their business.

We had planned on having a monthly meeting when he reached out and said he felt the need for some Team Building. Everyone had worked tirelessly and he wanted to find a way to reward his Executive Team. He also wanted to combine fun with learning.

I researched our local hiking scene, and after speaking to a very close friend who does mountain races, I picked Owl’s Head as our destination. This is a beautiful mountain in the eastern townships about an hour from Montreal. We hiked up the mountain, and I threw in leadership challenges for every leader. We ended the day by jumping in the lake. Sometimes it is better to take a step away from the business and focus on building bonds within the group. It worked wonders and allowed us to gain back much-needed focus.

The Method

The Scaling Up Methodology is a very solid framework that truly helps companies either grow profitably and work through massive obstacles in their business. There are 4 main pillars that we work on with our clients: People + Strategy + Execution + Cash. We have come to realize that by deep diving these 4 elements, we can help any company find alignment and focus.

How do I know this works? I have the privilege of having implemented this in my own business with a wonderful coach. For 7 years and counting, we implemented the amazing tools and used the methodology to grow both top line and bottom line revenue by over 3X. We are well into the 8 figure mark and still growing.

In fact, I believe in the framework so much that I decided to become a full time Scaling Up Coach and Leadership speaker. The experience has been exhilarating. I currently help 20 different companies form various industries to gain the clarity the Program provides. It is truly a passion and very rewarding to see the results over time.

The Tools

When we started way back in 2013, we only had a few tools to work with. We did our best, but there was a tremendous amount of manual labor to get the answers we needed to successfully scale. Thankfully, in recent months, some incredible tools have been made available to us.

Scaling Up Assessment: This assessment gives tremendous insight on the state of a business. It takes us through the 4 pillars from a critical angle. Every strategic team member can give their perspective. Those answers are then compared to both the CEO and other companies. It is amazing to see the reactions and moderate the thoughtful discussions that come from the process. I suggest my clients do this annually.

Leadership Vision Alignment Assessment: Another gem for us coaches. This report pushes team members to communicate how they feel about the overall direction of the organization. From Product Development to sales to Marketing. No stone is left unturned. The results are often surprising, and we get to truly understand the strengths and weaknesses of the business.

Quarterly Session Preparation Assessment: I meet every client on a Quarterly basis for a full day of Strategic Planning. In the past, I had to send manual surveys to get some clarity on their progress. Now, with this amazing tool, I have access to a detailed view of the organization’s milestones from the past 90 days. Did they achieve their goals? What are the big priorities for the coming months? Do they feel energized and ready for the next step? We always start a Quarterly Meeting by reviewing this report.

The Journey

It has been said before, business is a marathon, not a sprint. Scaling Up truly allows us to analyze where the company is, and provide a blueprint for future success. Whether this means tackling tough issues, hiring new “A” players or redefining the process by implementing LEAN thinking, we always find a way to gain company-wide alignment. It is inspiring to see the results of a company finding a way to click on all cylinders and take the next step towards a successful outcome.

An Excellent Partnership

Our organization, Scaling Up, founded by highly respected business growth leader Verne Harnish, decided to partner with ScaleUp Data in the Netherlands. In 2019, both companies put their minds together to create an exceptional platform we now use on a daily basis. The Esperto Assessments Platform is simple, intuitive and provides clarity for businesses all over the world.

It has made my work as a coach easy and fun. Sharing valuable data with clients is powerful as it forces them to look at their business with a critical eye and challenge existing models. The price vs quality is untouchable. Such a great tool!

Shawn Johal, Business Growth Coach & Leadership Speaker

Shawn Johal

Author Shawn Johal

Entrepreneur, business growth coach, workshop leader, speaker, father and husband. I co-founded DALS Lighting in 2009 and built it up from scratch to over 40 employees. From there, I led the implementation of structured growth – and 3X’d the company's revenue. The highlight was not the revenue, but the world-class company culture I built in the process. I was a Finalist for the EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award, and former President for Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) Montreal chapter. I've been featured in media publications including Inc. Magazine, Ladders Magazine, Real Leaders Magazine, CEO Blog Nation, and others. Today, I am a business growth Coach and Certified Scaling-Up expert, helping entrepreneurial companies achieve alignment and profitable growth. I also serve as Director on the Board for “Champions for Life,” an incredible non-profit helping to encourage physical literacy in kids. My first book tackles the topics of leadership, karma and the power of change, titled “The Happy King” - forthcoming in 2020. Nights, weekends, and everything in between is spent either with my incredible wife Sarah & my amazing kids or training for my next half-Iron Man. Reach out for any of the following: - Private coaching for businesses ready to scale - Team-alignment and building world-class cultures - Leadership development - Talks, workshops and keynote speeches - Any meetings taking place while jogging My vision? To become the most influential business coach and speaker in the world.

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